Dec 17, 2011

What is difference between require_once(), require(), include(). Becouse above three function usely use to call a file in another file?

Difference between require() and require_once(): require() includes and evaluates a
specific file, while require_once() does that only if it has not been included before (on
the same page). So, require_once() is recommended to use when you want to include a
file where you have a lot of functions for example. This way you make sure you don't
include the file more times and you will not get the "function re-declared" error.
Difference between require() and include() is that require() produces a FATAL ERROR
if the file you want to include is not found, while include() only produces a WARNING.
There is also include_once() which is the same as include(), but the difference between
them is the same as the difference between require() and require_once().

Dec 13, 2011

What is maximum size of a database in MySQL?

If the operating system or filesystem places a limit on the number
of files in a directory, MySQL is bound by that constraint.The efficiency of the operating system in handling large numbers of
files in a directory can place a practical limit on the number of tables
in a database. If the time required to open a file in the directory
increases significantly as the number of files increases, database
performance can be adversely affected.
The amount of available disk space limits the number of tables.
MySQL 3.22 had a 4GB (4 gigabyte) limit on table size. With the MyISAM
storage engine in MySQL 3.23, the maximum table size was increased to
65536 terabytes (2567 – 1 bytes). With this larger allowed table size,
the maximum effective table size for MySQL databases is usually
determined by operating system constraints on file sizes, not by MySQL
internal limits.The InnoDB storage engine maintains InnoDB tables within a tablespace
that can be created from several files. This allows a table to exceed
the maximum individual file size. The tablespace can include raw disk
partitions, which allows extremely large tables. The maximum tablespace
size is 64TB.
The following table lists some examples of operating system file-size
limits. This is only a rough guide and is not intended to be definitive.
For the most up-to-date information, be sure to check the documentation

What are the advantages of stored procedures, triggers, indexes?

A stored procedure is a set of SQL commands that can be compiled and
stored in the server. Once this has been done, clients don’t need to
keep re-issuing the entire query but can refer to the stored procedure.
This provides better overall performance because the query has to be
parsed only once, and less information needs to be sent between the
server and the client. You can also raise the conceptual level by having
libraries of functions in the server. However, stored procedures of
course do increase the load on the database server system, as more of
the work is done on the server side and less on the client (application)
side.Triggers will also be implemented. A trigger is effectively a type of
stored procedure, one that is invoked when a particular event occurs.
For example, you can install a stored procedure that is triggered each
time a record is deleted from a transaction table and that stored
procedure automatically deletes the corresponding customer from a
customer table when all his transactions are deleted.Indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly.
Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read
through the entire table to find the relevant rows. The larger the
table, the more this costs. If the table has an index for the columns in
question, MySQL can quickly determine the position to seek to in the
middle of the data file without having to look at all the data. If a
table has 1,000 rows, this is at least 100 times faster than reading
sequentially. If you need to access most of the rows, it is faster to
read sequentially, because this minimizes disk seeks.

What are the difference between abstract class and interface?

Abstract class: abstract classes are the class where one or more
methods are abstract but not necessarily all method has to be abstract.
Abstract methods are the methods, which are declare in its class but not
define. The definition of those methods must be in its extending class.Interface: Interfaces are one type of class where all the methods are
abstract. That means all the methods only declared but not defined. All
the methods must be define by its implemented class.

What is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()?

eregi_replace() function is identical to ereg_replace() except that
this ignores case distinction when matching alphabetic
characters.eregi_replace() function is identical to ereg_replace()
except that this ignores case distinction when matching alphabetic

What are the differences between public, private, protected, static, transient, final and volatile?

Public: Public declared items can be accessed everywhere.
Protected: Protected limits access to inherited and parent
classes (and to the class that defines the item).
Private: Private limits visibility only to the class that defines
the item.
Static: A static variable exists only in a local function scope,
but it does not lose its value when program execution leaves this scope.
Final: Final keyword prevents child classes from overriding a
method by prefixing the definition with final. If the class itself is
being defined final then it cannot be extended.
transient: A transient variable is a variable that may not
be serialized.
 a variable that might be concurrently modified by multiple
threads should be declared volatile. Variables declared to be volatile
will not be optimized by the compiler because their value can change at
any time.

What is the use of friend function?

Sometimes a function is best shared among a number of different
classes. Such functions can be declared either as member functions of
one class or as global functions. In either case they can be set to be
friends of other classes, by using a friend specifier in the class that
is admitting them. Such functions can use all attributes of the class
which names them as a friend, as if they were themselves members of that
A friend declaration is essentially a prototype for a member function,
but instead of requiring an implementation with the name of that class
attached by the double colon syntax, a global function or member
function of another class provides the match.

What are the differences between procedure-oriented languages and object-oriented languages?

Traditional programming has the following characteristics:Functions are written sequentially, so that a change in programming can
affect any code that follows it.
If a function is used multiple times in a system (i.e., a piece of code
that manages the date), it is often simply cut and pasted into each
program (i.e., a change log, order function, fulfillment system, etc).
If a date change is needed (i.e., Y2K when the code needed to be changed
to handle four numerical digits instead of two), all these pieces of
code must be found, modified, and tested.
Code (sequences of computer instructions) and data (information on which
the instructions operates on) are kept separate. Multiple sets of code
can access and modify one set of data. One set of code may rely on data
in multiple places. Multiple sets of code and data are required to work
together. Changes made to any of the code sets and data sets can cause
problems through out the system.Object-Oriented programming takes a radically different approach:Code and data are merged into one indivisible item – an object (the
term “component” has also been used to describe an object.) An object is
an abstraction of a set of real-world things (for example, an object may
be created around “date”) The object would contain all information and
functionality for that thing (A date
object it may contain labels like January, February, Tuesday, Wednesday.
It may contain functionality that manages leap years, determines if it
is a business day or a holiday, etc., See Fig. 1). Ideally, information
about a particular thing should reside in only one place in a system.
The information within an object is encapsulated (or hidden) from the
rest of the system.
A system is composed of multiple objects (i.e., date function, reports,
order processing, etc., See Fig 2). When one object needs information
from another object, a request is sent asking for specific information.
(for example, a report object may need to know what today’s date is and
will send a request to the date object) These requests are called
messages and each object has an interface that manages messages.
OO programming languages include features such as “class”, “instance”,
“inheritance”, and “polymorphism” that increase the power and
flexibility of an object.

What are the features and advantages of object-oriented programming?

One of the main advantages of OO programming is its ease of
modification; objects can easily be modified and added to a system there
by reducing maintenance costs. OO programming is also considered to be
better at modeling the real world than is procedural programming. It
allows for more complicated and flexible interactions. OO systems are
also easier for non-technical personnel to understand and easier for
them to participate in the maintenance and enhancement of a system
because it appeals to natural human cognition patterns.
For some systems, an OO approach can speed development time since many
objects are standard across systems and can be reused. Components that
manage dates, shipping, shopping carts, etc. can be purchased and easily
modified for a specific system

How can I execute a PHP script using command line?

As of version 4.3.0, PHP supports a new SAPI type (Server
Application Programming Interface) named CLI which means Command Line
Interface. Just run the PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) program and
provide the PHP script file name as the command line argument. For
example, “php myScript.php”, assuming “php” is the command to invoke the
CLI program.
Be aware that if your PHP script was written for the Web CGI interface,
it may not execute properly in command line environment.

What are the differences between require and include, include_once and require_once?

The include() statement includes
and evaluates the specified file.The documentation below also applies to
require(). The two constructs
are identical in every way except how they handle
 include() produces a
Warning while
 require() results
in a Fatal Error. In other words, use
require() if you want a missing
file to halt processing of the page.
include() does not behave this way, the script will
continue regardless.
The include_once()

What is the difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array?

mysql_fetch_object() is similar tomysql_fetch_array(), with one difference -
an object is returned, instead of an array. Indirectly, that means that
you can only access the data by the field names, and not by their
offsets (numbers are illegal property names).

In how many ways we can retrieve the data in the result set of MySQL using PHP?

You can do it by 4 Ways1. mysql_fetch_row.
2. mysql_fetch_array
3. mysql_fetch_object
4. mysql_fetch_assoc

What are the differences between Get and post methods in form submitting. give the case where we can use get and we can use post methods?

When to use GET or POST
The HTML 2.0 specification says, in section Form
Submission (and the HTML 4.0 specification repeats this with minor
stylistic changes):
–>If the processing of a form is idempotent
(i.e. it has no lasting observable effect on the state of the
world), then the form method should be GET. Many database searches
have no visible side-effects and make ideal applications of query

–>If the service associated with the processing of a form has side
effects (for example, modification of a database or subscription to
a service), the method should be POST.
How the form data is transmitted?
quotation from the HTML 4.0 specification
–> If the method is “get” – -, the user agent
takes the value of action, appends a ? to it, then appends the form
data set, encoded using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
content type. The user agent then traverses the link to this URI. In
this scenario, form data are restricted to ASCII codes.
–> If the method is “post” –, the user agent conducts an HTTP post
transaction using the value of the action attribute and a message
created according to the content type specified by the enctype
Quote from CGI FAQ
Firstly, the the HTTP protocol specifies
differing usages for the two methods. GET requests should always be
idempotent on the server. This means that whereas one GET request
might (rarely) change some state on the Server, two or more
identical requests will have no further effect.
This is a theoretical point which is also good
advice in practice. If a user hits “reload” on his/her browser, an
identical request will be sent to the server, potentially resulting
in two identical database or
guestbook entries, counter increments, etc. Browsers may reload a
GET URL automatically, particularly if cacheing is disabled (as is
usually the case with CGI output), but will typically prompt the
user before
re-submitting a POST request. This means you’re far less likely to
get inadvertently-repeated entries from POST.
GET is (in theory) the preferred method for
idempotent operations, such as querying a database, though it
matters little if you’re using a form. There is a further practical
constraint that many systems have built-in limits to the length of a
GET request they can handle: when the total size of a request (URL+params)
approaches or exceeds 1Kb, you are well-advised to use POST in any
I would prefer POST when I don’t want the status to
be change when user resubmits. And GET
when it does not matter.

What is the difference between echo and print statement?

There is a slight difference between print and echo which would depend on how you
want to use the outcome. Using the print method can return a true/false value. This may
be helpful during a script execution of somesort. Echo does not return a value, but has
been considered as a faster executed command. All this can get into a rather
complicated discussion, so for now, you can just use whichever one you prefer.

What is differenc between mysql_connect and mysql_pconnec?

mysql_pconnect establishes a persistent connection. If you don't need one (such as a
website that is mostly HTML files or PHP files that don't call the db) then you don't
need to use it. mysql_connect establishes a connection for the duration of the script
that access the db. Once the script has finished executing it closes the connection. Theonly time you need to close the connection manually is if you jump out of the script for
any reason.
If you do use mysql_pconnect. You only need to call it once for the session. That's the
beauty of it. It will hold open a connection to the db that you can use over and over
again simply by calling the resource ID whenever you need to interact with the db.

What is difference between require_once(), require(), include() ?

Difference between require() and require_once(): require() includes and evaluates a
specific file, while require_once() does that only if it has not been included before (on
the same page). So, require_once() is recommended to use when you want to include a
file where you have a lot of functions for example. This way you make sure you don't
include the file more times and you will not get the "function re-declared" error.
Difference between require() and include() is that require() produces a FATAL ERROR
if the file you want to include is not found, while include() only produces a WARNING.
There is also include_once() which is the same as include(), but the difference between
them is the same as the difference between require() and require_once().

What is CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and
Humans Apart. To prevent spammers from using bots to automatically fill out forms,
CAPTCHA programmers will generate an image containing distorted images of a string
of numbers and letters. Computers cannot determine what the numbers and letters are
from the image but humans have great pattern recognition abilities and will be able to
fairly accurately determine the string of numbers and letters. By entering the numbers
and letters from the image in the validation field, the application can be fairly assured
that there is a human client using it. To read more look here:

What Is a Session?

A session is a logical object created by the PHP engine to allow you to preserve data across subsequent HTTP requests.
              There is only one session object available to your PHP scripts at any time. Data saved to the session by a script can be retrieved by the same script or another script when requested from the same visitor.
              Sessions are commonly used to store temporary data to allow multiple PHP pages to offer a complete functional transaction for the same visitor.

Wha is PHP ?

The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. PHP is basically used for developing web based software applications

Dec 11, 2011

Welcome to

Tech Interview solutions

The most important step in the life of an individual is a job interview. It is your first step in landing your dream job and therefore you should equip yourself fully for the interview.
A job interview can consist of different rounds and therefore preparation is a must. You will do well to do a bit of search about the organization and arm yourself with the data.
The interview could be both subject oriented as well as a general HR one. It will be of a great help if you can prepare some questions that are likely to come up in the interview and practice them with a friend and this will give you enough confidence to face the interview and also come out on top.

PHP MySQL Web Interview Questions & Tutorials

Session and cookie  What is the difference between session and cookie ?
flash  How can we call flash banner in dreamweaver..
why we use @?  Give the ans.
what is the difference between sql and mysql  SQL means "structured query language" which is the syntax of commands you send t
Please Help  I have created a php site in dreamweaver but i have not stored the files in www
How i get DPI of uploaded image  Can any one tell me how can i get DPI of uploaded image. Thanx
zend framework  Hi evryone, how do i call stored procedure from zend framework using oracl
what is the difference between echo and print in php?  When outputting something with PHP, we use print or echo functions. what exac